Industry Sponsored Symposia

Industry Sessions

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Supported by a grant from Servier

Thursday 27 June 2024  |  14.00-15.00

CHRONIC VENOUS DISEASE: A multidisciplinary disease management

Chairperson: Stavros Kakkos (Greece)

  • 14.00  CVD as part of cardiometabolic continuum: Impact on cardiovascular disease & mortality – Leonardo De Luca (Italy)
  • 14.15   Complexity of CVD patients in Real life: What about the comorbidities? – Melina Vega de Ceniga (Spain)
  • 14.30   MPFF’s evidence-based effectiveness for all CVD patients – Alejandro José Gonzalez Ochoa (Mexico)
  • 14.45   Improving clinical management for all stages of CVD: 45 904 patients – Stavros Kakkos (Greece)


Supported by a grant from Cardinal Health

Thursday 27 June 2024  |  16.30-17.30

Speaker: Prof. George A. Antoniou

Moderators: Prof. Tomasz Urbanek, Dr. Eleftheria Pervolaraki

Thromboprophylaxis in individuals undergoing intervention for superficial venous disease – George A. Antoniou (UK)


Supported by a grant from Pierre Fabre

Friday 28 June 2024  |  11.00-12.00

Chronic Venous Disease: Multidisciplinary Challenges for Patient Management

  • Cutaneous manifestations and differential diagnosis in CVD – Maria del Carmen de la Torre (Mexico)
  • Older patient with CVD. Guidelines or individual approach – Adam Zieliński (Poland)
  • Care for cardiac patients with chronic venous disorders – Debora Karetová (Czech Republic)
  • Discussion – Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)


Supported by a grant from Alfasigma

Friday 28 June 2024  |  14.30-15.30

Risk factors and endothelial dysfunction in Chronic Venous Disease

Chairs: Prof. Andrew Nicolaides – Prof. Stavros Kakkos 

  • 30 (04’) Opening – Chairs
  • 34 (12’) CVD burden and risk factorsDr. Cristiana Vitale
  • 46 (12’) Endothelial dysfunction and inflammation in CVDProf. Tomasz Urbanek
  • 58 (12’) Clinical CasesProf. Armando Mansilha
  • 20 (20’) Discussion – All

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