20th EVF Scientific Programme

20th Meeting of the European Venous Forum

    • in collaboration with the Swiss Society of Phlebology
    • Lecture Theatre: Room KOH-B-10 (lower ground floor)
    • Zurich University, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 27-29 June 2019

Scientific Programme

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Click here to download the programme and book of abstracts



08.00-08.30 Video Session

Chair: Dominik Heim

08.30-10.30 Abstract Session 1: Venous Thromboembolism

Chair: Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus), Dominik Heim (Switzerland)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

08.30-08.50   1.1 Thrombophilia is not an independent risk factor for patency loss or re-intervention in the treatment of post-thrombotic occlusion: thirty-month outcomes using nitinol venous stents
Adam Gwozdz; Laura Tincknell; Nick Jackson; Prakash Saha; Karen Breen; Alberto Smith; Ander Cohen; Stephen Black.  St Thomas’ Hospital, London, King’s College London, London, UKSubmitted for the EVF Prize
08.50-09.10   1.2 Risk of acute kidney injury associated with percutaneous mechanical thrombectomy in the treatment of iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis

Anna Louise Pouncey1; Jean-Luc Duval2; Leslie Fiengo1; Taha Khan1; Prakash Saha1; Narayan Thulasidasan1; David Goldsmith1; Stephen A Black1 1Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; 2King’s College London, London, UK

Submitted for the EVF Prize

09.10-09.30   1.3 Five year patency outcomes following deep venous stenting

Kemal K, Lane T, Onida S, Hifny M, Ellis M, Shalhoub J, Burfitt N, Davies AH. Academic Section of Vascular Surgery, Imperial College London, UK & Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, London, UK

09.30-09.50   1.4 Concomitant use of micronized purified flavonoid fraction and oral rivaroxaban improves clinical and ultrasound outcomes of popliteal-femoral deep vein thrombosis at 12-month follow-up

Kirill Lobastov; Ilya Schastlivtsev; Victor E Barinov.  Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

09.50-10.10   1.5 Total laparoscopic inferior vena cava filter retrieval. Mid-term outcomes.

Fedor Zharkin; Pavel Mozgovoy; Evgeniy Spiridonov; Anastasia Lukovskova; Vladimir Ufimtsev.  Volgograd State Medical University, Volgograd, Russia

Submitted for the EVF Prize

10.10-10.30   1.6 Cost utility analysis of modalities of treatment for iliofemoral deep venous thrombosis in the United Kingdom

Anna Louise Pouncey1; Joseph B Babigumira2; Oscar W Johnson1; Stephen A Black1.  1Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK; 2University of Washington, Washington, USA

Submitted for the EVF Prize

10.30-11.00 Refreshments and visit to Exhibition  |  Visit Poster Presentations (Room KOL-H-317 – 3rd floor)
11.00-12.00 Didactic Session 1: Superficial Veins. That’s why I prefer

Chair: Lars Rasmussen (Denmark), Paolo Cassina (Switzerland)

  • 11.00: Foam. Philippe Kern (CH)
  • 11.08: Surgery. Jurg Traber (CH)
  • 11.16: Thermal Ablation. Lowell Kabnik (USA)
  • 11.24: Non-Thermal Ablation. Heiko Uthoff (CH)
  • 11.32-11.45: Open Debate with Audience
  • 11.45-12.00: Signs and Symptoms due to Systemic Disorders that can mimic Chronic Venous Disease. Daciana Branisteanu (Romania)
12.00-13.20 Abstract Session 2: Compression

Chair: Armando Mansilha (Portugal), Christina Jeanneret (Switzerland)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

12.00-12.20   2.1 Is compression required post radio-frequency ablation? – a randomised controlled trial.

Kazim Abbas1; Paula Thompson1; Damien McElvenny2; Madu Onwudike1.  1Bolton Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, Bolton, UK; 2University of Manchester, Manchester, UK

12.20-12.40   2.2 Compression following endothermal ablation — a randomised controlled trial.

Roshan Bootun; Amjad Belramman; Layla Bolton-Saghdaoui; Tristan RA Lane; Celia Riga; Alun H Davies. Imperial College London, London, UK

Submitted for the EVF Prize

12.40-13.00   2.3 Pressure distribution in a limb under localized compression

Torbjörn Lundh1; Marcus Baaz1; Andreas Nilsson2 1Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden; 2PressCise AB, Sweden

13.00-13.20   2.4 Internal vein compression – A Swiss invention

Chris Ragg1; Sebastian Kreis2; Margaryta Zagorodnyuk3.  1Angioclinic Vein Center, Zurich, Switzerland; 2Angioclinic Venenzentrum, Zurich, Switzerland; 3Angioclinic Vein Center, Berlin, Germany

13.20-14.20 Lunch and visit to Exhibition  |  ePoster Presentations (Room KOL-H-317 – 3rd floor)Chair: Marzia Lugli (Italy), Rolf Engelberger (Switzerland)
13.45-14.15 Lunchtime Session: Meet the Experts Session 1: The Open Leg.Chairman: Alfred Obermayer (Austria), Jürg Traber (Switzerland)

  • 13.45: Careful: This is not a venous ulcer! Jürg Hafner (CH)
  • 14.00: How ESCHAR and EVRA can be interpreted in current clinical practice in patient selection for treatment. Alun Davies (UK)
14.20-15.20 Industry Session 1
15.20-16.40 Abstract Session 3: Laser Thermal Ablation

Chair: Marianne Vandendriessche (Belgium), Nicolas Ducrey (Switzerland)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

15.20-15.40   3.1 Concomitant cranial tributary ablation of the saphenofemoral junction for laser crossectomy of the great saphenous vein

Tsuyoshi Shimizu1; Yoshio Kasuga1; Takeshi Shimizu2.  1Nagano Matsushiro General Hospital, Nagano, Japan; 2Cosmos Nagano Clinic, Nagano, Japan

15.40-16.00   3.2 Feasibility and safety of flush endovenous laser ablation of the great saphenous vein up to the sapheno-femoral junction

Luca Spinedi1; Hans Stricker1; Daniel Staub2; Heiko Uthoff3.  1Ospedale Regionale di Locarno, Locarno, Switzerland; 2University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland; 3Gefässpraxis am See, Lakeside Vascular Center, Luzern, Switzerland

16.00-16.20   3.3 Endovenous laser coagulation in the treatment of patients with congenital abnormalities of the deep venous system of the lower extremities.

Larysa M. Chernukha; AA Guch; GG Vlaikov; OV Kashyrova; AO Bobrova State Institute “National Institute of Surgery and Transplantology named after A.A. Shalimov” NAMS, Kiev, Ukraine

16.20-16.40   3.4 Randomised study on the influence of fibre tip distance from the femoral vein in GSV laser surgery.

Imre Bihari.  A+B Clinic, Budapest, Hungary

16.40-17.00 Refreshments and visit to Exhibition  |  Visit e-Poster Presentations
17.00-18.20 Abstract Session 4: Diagnostic Tests, Venous Ablation by Ultrasound and Sclerotherapy

Chair: Athanasios Giannoukas (Greece), Philippe Kern (Switzerland)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

17.00-17.20   4.1 Possibilities of duplex ultrasound scanning in diagnostics of hemodynamic disorders in patients with varicose disease of the lower limbs

Igor Suchkov; Roman Kalinin; Nina Mzhavanadze; Ivan Shanaev.  Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia

17.20-17.40   4.2 Is the differential diagnosis of lipoedema by means of high-resolution ultrasonography possible?

Tobias Hirsch1; Jörg Schleinitz2; Markward Marshall3; Gabriele Faerber4.  1Practice for Internal Medicine and Vascular Diseases, Halle, Germany; 2Vein Practice, Lutzen, Germany; 3Private Practice, Rottach-Egern, Germany; 4Centre for Vascular Medicine, Hamburg, Germany

17.40-18.00   4.3 Non-catheter extra corporeal ultrasound-guided high-intensity-focused-ultrasound (HIFU) treatment in superficial lower limb veins – first in human study findings.

Alfred Obermayer.  Karl Landsteiner Institute for Functional Phlebosurgery, Melk, Austria

18.00-18.20   4.4 Sclerotherapy complications in the daily office practice — lesson learned.

Aleksandra Jaworucka. Kaczorowska, Jaworuccy Surgery Centre, Gorzów Wlkp, Poland

18.20 Opening Ceremony
19.00-20.00 Welcome Reception. Exhibition Areas


08.00-08.30 Varicose Veins. Presentation of patients. What would you do?Chair: Dominik Heim (Switzerland)
08.30-10.30 Abstract Session 5: Pathophysiology, Epidemiology and Surveys

Chair: Niels Baekgaard (Denmark), Christina Jeanneret (Switzerland)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

08.30-08.50 5.1  The relationship of reflux patterns to disease severity and health-related quality of life scores

Matthew Tan; Sarah Onida; Nicole James; Vishnu Sajeenth; Sharon Sutanto; Mary Ellis; Alun Davies.  Imperial College London, London, UK

Submitted for the EVF Prize

08.50-09.10 5.2 Quantitative and structural characteristics of mitochondrial DNA in varicose veins

Mariya A. Smetanina1; Kseniya S. Sevost’ianova1; Arina N. Shirshova2; Igor P. Oscorbin2; Natalya A. Oskina2; Igor A. Zolotukhin3; Maxim L. Filipenko1 1Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (ICBFM); Novosibirsk State University (NSU), Novosibirsk, Russia; 2Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (ICBFM), Novosibirsk, Russia; 3Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University (RNRMU), Moscow, Russia

Submitted for the EVF Prize

09.10-09.30 5.3 Patient characteristics and clinical practice of general practitioners and specialists in chronic venous disorders: results of vein act program

Jorge Hernando Ulloa1; Jorge Ulloa-Dominguez2; Jose Manuel Jimenez Arribas3; Sorin Baila4; Dale Maharaj5; Andres Marin6; Johannes Walter7; Vadim Yu Bogachev8.  1Fundacion Santa Fe de Bogota, Bogota, Colombia; 2Vascular Surgery Fundacion Vascular de Colombia, Botata, Colombia; 3Hospital San Juan de Dios, Pamplona, Spain; 4Cardiovascular Disease Emergency Institute Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania; 5Caribbean Vein and Vascular Clinic, St Clair Medical Hospital, Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago; 6Hospital Metropolitano de Santiago, Santiago, Dominican Republic; 7Department of Vascular Surgery, Salzburg, Austria; 8Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

09.30-09.50 5.4 Assessing venous disease risk in daily clinical practice: results from the vein score program, a prospective, single-visit, observational study

Muralikrishna Nekkanti1; Ankur Patel2; Kapil Gupta3; Ramakrishna Pinjala4.  1Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences and Research, Bangalore, India; 2Gujarat Hospital Gastro and Vascular Centre, Surat, India; 3Max Healthcare, Delhi, India; 4Apollo Hospitals, Hyderabad, India

09.50-10.10 5.5 Racial disparities in the outcomes of superficial vein treatments for chronic venous insufficiency

Peter, J Pappas; Sydney, F Pappas; Khanh Nguyen; Sanjiv Lakhanpal. Center For Vein Restoration, Greenbelt, MD, USA

10.10-10.30 5.6 Evaluation of iliofemoral and femoropopliteal venous obstruction using digital air plethysmography

Fedor Lurie1; Maxim Shaydakov2; Gregory Kasper2.  1Jobst Vascular Institute and University of Michigan, Toledo, Ohio, USA; 2Jobst Vascular Institute, Toledo, Ohio, USA

10.30-11.00 Refreshments and visit to Exhibition  |  Visit e- Poster Presentations
11.00-12.00 Industry Session 2
12.00-12.30 EVF Invited Lecture: Why venous ulcers have difficulties to heal: A pathophysiological review. Joseph D Raffetto (USA)

Chair: Dominik Heim (Switzerland)

12.30-13.15 Didactic Session 2Lymphatics.

Chair: Evgeny Shaydakov (Russia), Jean-Jerome Guex (France)

(10 minute presentation, 5 minute discussion)

  • 12.30-12.45: Research: Here we are at the moment. Jean Paul Belgrado (Belgium)
  • 12.45-13.00: Treatment by conservative means. Daniela Reutter (CH)
  • 13.00-13.15: If all fails, surgery? Nicole Lindenblatt (CH) 
13.15-14.15 Lunch and visit to Exhibition  |  ePoster Presentations (Room KOL-H-317 – 3rd floor)Chair: Pavel Poredos (Slovenia), Heiko Uthoff (Switzerland)
13.45-14.15 Lunchtime Session: Meet the Experts Session 2: How to deal with problems in the Treatment of Varicose Veins?

Chair: Tomasz Urbanek (Poland), Jürg Traber (Switzerland)

  • 13.45-14.00: SFJ insufficiency and reflux into the AASV. Marianne De Maeseneer (Belgium)
  • 14.00-14.15: Is redo high ligation dead? Olle Nelzen (Sweden)
14.15-14.45 EVF Annual General Meeting (Members Only)
14.45-15.45 Industry Session 3
15.45-16.45 Prize winning papers from the American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS) (formerly American College of Phlebology and the Japanese Society of Phlebology

Chair: Bo Eklof (Sweden), Elna Masuda (USA)

(10 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

Presentation from American Vein and Lymphatic Society (AVLS) (formerly American College of Phlebology)
15.45-16.05 Pr1 A population-based assessment of mortality in patients with varicose veins. Thom Rooke, Cindy Felty, David Liedl, Kent Bailey, Christina Wood-Wintz. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA
Presentations from Japanese Society of Phlebology (JSP)
16.05-16.25 Pr2 Results of surgical treatments for venous stasis ulcersAtsushi Tabuchi, Yasuhiro Yunoki, and Kazuo Tanemoto. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery, Kawasaki Medical School, Kurashiki, Japan
16.25-16.45 Pr3 Clinical Characteristics, Management Strategies, and Long-Term Outcomes of Asymptomatic Lower Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis in Patients with Active CancersYugo Yamashita. Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Graduate School of Medicine, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
16.45-17.10 Refreshments and visit to Exhibition  |  Visit to e-Poster Presentations (Room KOL-H-317 – 3rd floor)
17.10-19.10 Didactic Session 3: Venous Thromboembolism

Chair: Marianne De Maeseneer (Belgium), Thomas Oleg Meier (Switzerland)

(14 minute presentation, 10 minute discussion)

  • 17.10-17.34: Is QOL score important after thrombus removal, or is patency and Villalta enough? Niels Baekgaard (Denmark)
  • 17.34-17.58: Postthrombotic syndrome. Long-term follow up. The Basel series. Christina Jeanneret (CH)
  • 17.58-18.22: The challenge of diagnosing pulmonary embolism. Marc Righini (CH)
  • 18.22-18.46: Everything you always wanted to know about DOAC/NOAC. Michael Nagler (CH)
  • 18.46-19.10: Why ATTRACT is not the end of iliofemoral thromboslyis. Stephen Black (UK)
20.00 Congress Dinner


08.30-09.45 Didactic Session 4: Compression.

(10 minute presentation, 5 minute discussion)

Chair: Mark Malouf (Australia), Stefan Küpfer (Switzerland)

  • 08.30-08.45: Velcro. A real revolution in compression therapy? Giovanni Mosti (Italy)
  • 08.45-09.00: Intermittent pressure compression: Just nice to have? Eberhard Rabe (Germany)
  • 09.00-09.15: Towards a patient-friendly compression therapy. Jürg Hafner (CH)
  • 09.15-09.30: Elastic compression therapy for prevention of post-thrombotic syndrome: How long is long enough? Arina J ten Cate-Hoek (Netherlands)
  • 09.30-09.45: The relationship between venous diameters, clinical severity and quality of life. A systematic review. Matthew Tan (UK) 
09.45-10.15 Refreshments and visit to Exhibition  |  Visit Poster Presentation
10.15-11.35 Abstract Session 6: Miscellaneous

Imre Bihari (Hungary), Christina Jeanneret (Switzerland) (10 minute presentation, 5 minute discussion)

10.15-10.35 6.1 Early superficial venous reflux elimination for the treatment of chronic venous ulcers.Aleksandra Jaworucka- Kaczorowska, Jaworuccy Surgery Centre, Gorzów Wlkp, Poland
10.35-10.55 6.2 Intermittent pneumatic compression in the prevention of postoperative venous thromboembolism in patients at extremely high risk: The results of IPC super study.Kirill Lobastov1; Ekaterina Sautina1; Eleanora Alencheva2; Astanda Bargandzhiya1; Victor Barinov2; Leonid Laberko1; Valeriy Boyarintsev2; Grigoriy Rodoman1.  1Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia; 2Central State Medical Academy of the President’s Administration of Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia
10.55-11.15 6.3 Endovascular management of chronic iliofemoral venous thrombosis- a systematic review and meta-analysis.

Christos Argyriou1; Miltos Lazarides2; George Georgiadis3 1University General Hospital, ”Democritus” University of Thrace, Medical School, Alexandropoulos, Greece; 2Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece; 3University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandropoulos, Greece

11.15-11.35 6.4 Single center experience with open and endovascular treatment of the Nutcracker syndrome

Domenico Baccellieri; Alessandro Grandi; Germano Melissano; Roberto Chiesa.  San Raffaele Hospital – “Vita-Salute” University, Milan, Italy

11.35-12.35 Joint session: European Venous Forum and American Venous Forum: Where do we go from here – A glimpse into the future?

(12 minute presentation, 3 minute discussion)

  • Why this session? Dominik Heim, Switzerland
  • 11.35-11.50: The rationale of compression Werner Blättler (CH) (EVF/ SGP)
  • 11.50-12.05: The link between morphology and iliac veins and outcomes: Does shape matter? Lowell Kabnick (USA) (AVF)
  • 12.05-12.20: Recurrence after endovenous treatment.  Treatment options.  Lars Rasmussen (Denmark) (EVF)
  • 12.20-12.35: Appropriateness of venous procedures and its potential impact on office practices. Elna Masuda (USA) (AVF)
12.35-12.50 Closing Remarks. Dominik Heim (Switzerland)

Presentation of EVF 2020. Imre Bihari (Hungary)

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