19th EVF Athens Industry Symposia

Industry Sponsored Sessions


  • Tripartite Meeting

  • 19th Meeting of the European Venous Forum
  • 9th Annual Meeting of the Balkan Venous Forum
  • Hellenic Phlebological Society Summit
  • Olympia Hall, Royal Olympic Hotel, Athens, Greece
  • 28-30 June 2018



11.00-12.00 Industry Session supported by a grant from Pierre Fabre

CVD: From Symptoms to Microcirculation

Chair: Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)


What symptoms mean and how they influence our choice of investigations.  Marianne De Maeseneer (Belgium)


Is there a link between symptoms and microcirculation alternations? Bernardo Barros (Brazil)

  • CEAP classification and capillaries morphology
  • Can capillaries and venules impairment explain symptoms in Cos patients?


 How to choose the right VAD for the right patient, based on updated EVF Guidelines? Stavros Kakkos (Greece)


14.20-15.20 Industry Session supported by a grant from Alfasigma

CVD: Beyond Signs and Symptoms. Therapeutic Advances

Chair: Armando Mansilha (Portugal), Jawed Fareed (USA)

14.20 CVD. A complex disorder. Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
14.40 Underlying factors in CVD evolution. Ferdinando Mannello (Italy)
15.00 Sulodexide for signs, symptoms and beyond. Tomasz Urbanek (Poland)



11.00-12.00 Industry Session supported by a grant from Servier
Burden and Suffering in Chronic Venous Disease
Chair: Nicos Labropoulos (USA), Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)
11.00 Introduction. Nicos Labropoulos (USA)
11.03 Real world evidence: The seriousness of chronic venous disease. Alun H Davies (UK)
11.18 How does chronic venous disease progress from the first symptoms to the advanced stages? Nicos Labropoulos (USA)
11.33 MPFF for patients suffering from chronic venous disease: New evidence. J-H Ulloa (Colombia)
11.48 Discussion
11.58 Concluding remarks. Andrew Nicolaides (Cyprus)

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